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Legal Overviews and Guidelines / Notes

Service Description

You have an assignment relating to a particular topic, or you are preparing for an exam, and you want go-to comprehensive and detailed notes to use to tackle the assignment or exam. I can provide detailed legal overviews of specific legal areas such as easements (land law), express trusts (trusts law), free movement of goods (EU law), direct effect of directives (EU law) and many more to assist your revision. The legal overviews are structured in a manner that allows you to easily follow them to draft essay questions, but most importantly, you can follow them as a guide to answer problem questions. Each statement in the legal overview is supported by legal authority, whether that is a section of a piece of legislation or case law, so that you do not only provide comprehensive answers to your assignments, but that you also have the necessary sources to reference. In addition to legal overviews, I offer detailed drafting guidelines, explaining the peculiarities and how to properly write essay questions and problem questions in the way expected for high 2:1 and 1st class English law degree answers.

Contact Details

United Kingdom

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